Museum Cernier

The Swiss Society of Mycology builds the first mushroom museum in Switzerland in Cernier (NE): the Mycorama

This building, a house that lives on mushrooms, will house an exhibition on mushrooms as well as mushroom research. Its scientific importance makes the Mycorama a meeting place of international reputation.
The architect P. Studer developed the building envelope and the supporting structure in collaboration with the company Häring Ingenieurholzbau. Great emphasis was placed on ecological and economical implementation. The building material wood and appropriate building technology (Minergie ECO®) supported this approach.
The spectacular building with a length of about 51 meters and circular arched girders with a diameter of 15 meters form the actual center. Other planned buildings will be arranged around this structure.
In order to meet the tight schedule of 2 ½ months for the construction of the entire timber structure, work has been going on at full speed since the beginning of September. This is only possible thanks to the good organization on the construction site.

Client Fondation du Mycorama - Site de Cernier
Architect Bureau d'architecture associés P.Studer SA & O. Gagnebin